CVCWA Members,

Below is a link to the nomination form for one of the Small Agency representatives to the CVCWA Board of Directors. We are taking nominations to fill the Central Small Agency Director seat. The term of the Central Small Agency Director is two years and expires at the end of June 2026.

Nomination and Voting Process:
Nominations for a Director to fill this seat can be made by any person from a CVCWA member organization (including affiliates). You do not have to be from the Central sub-region to make the nomination, you can nominate yourself if you fall into the below described category and you can nominate more than one person. The nominations will be reviewed by the executive officer of CVCWA to confirm they meet the requirements for the Director of this seat.

After the nominations have been received and confirmed, we will be emailing out ballots to the primary contact of the member agency qualified to vote in the election if an election is needed. Each Small Agency Director will be elected by ballot vote by the small agencies within the single sub-region as defined by the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board’s North, Central and South Sub-regions.

Small and Micro Agency Board Seats:
Small agencies are classified as municipal wastewater treatment organizations having less than 10 million gallons per day average dry weather design capacity, or other criteria established by the CVCWA Board of Directors. Micro agencies are classified as municipal wastewater treatment organization having less than 1.0 million gallons per day average dry weather design capacity, or other criteria established by the CVCWA Board of Directors. A representative from a micro-sized agency can serve as a Small Agency Director, but the reverse is not always true.

CVCWA’s Board includes three (3) directors representing small agencies and one (1) director representing a micro agency. Sub-regions are based on which office of the Central Valley Regional Water Board the agency reports to (Redding -North, Rancho Cordova -Central, and Fresno – South). Every effort is made to have each of the three sub-regions within the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board represented by a Small Agency Director. The Micro Agency Director seat is not specific to a sub-regional area. For Small and Micro Agency Directors, the person, and not the member organization has the board seat. To be eligible to be a CVCWA Board director representing a small or micro agency, the person must be a permanent employee or contract employee of a small agency member organization. A contract employee is someone under contract to the discharger member organization who is engaged for a majority of their time in management, engineering, or operations of that organization’s wastewater facilities and has responsibility for representing the organization.

Only CVCWA Small and Micro Agencies in good standing will be eligible to cast votes once the nominees are determined. For a list of currently eligible agencies, click the link below.

If you have a question about your agency’s membership, please contact the CVCWA office for assistance.

Central Valley Clean Water Association
101 W McKnight Way, Ste B103
Grass Valley, CA 95949

(530) 268-1338